May 26, 2011

Check It Out!


Today was my last paper for this semester. 
 No more exam after this and for the next semester too.
So, this SCE3113 was quite meaningful to me.
Hopefully, I’ll pass this paper because I don't want to sit for exam again!
'Kita selalu terlupa menghargai orang di depan mata.
Bila kehilangannya, baru kita sedar kita tidak pernah cuba menghargainya.
“I feel bad hearing that you’ll not with me and our friends after semester break.
I'll miss you, my friend. I hope you'll do well too.”
 “Pirates of Caribbean”

Here I come!
Hang out with Hashimah and Cik Polaris.
My last time hang out with them for this semester.
3D tu…great experience, rite!
“To Cik Bee and Shida. Have safe journey!”
Insyaallah, we’ll me again after semester break.
Take care yourself.
I gonna miss u all!


26th of May!
“Happy Birthday, my dear.
I hope your wishes come true.
I love you”

“Thank you my friends for all the wishes given.”
“Thank you for remembering my precious day, the day I was born.”
“Thank you for giving me happiness.”
“Thank you for being a part of my life.”
“Nothing I can say accept,
Jiwa: ‘I love you too.’
Holiday is coming.
Today I’m coming home.
Tell the world I’m coming home!
'I miss my parents, my siblings, my cutest niece too!
(IPG Kampus Pulau Pinang - 5 Year.)


Be a trainee teacher is a great experience for me.
5 and half year for ‘Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan dengan pengkhususan Sains.
Sound good, rite.
Five years I had pass through and lot of things happen.
Great, good, happy, cheer, sad, bad and worst experiences.
I want to finish my study and graduate successfuly.
This is my present to ma and abah.


Kita tidak tahu apa yang diaturkan oleh Allah kepada kita. 
Kita selalu berharap agak dapat tempuh jalan hidup tanpa ada halangan. 
Apabila kita berdepan dengan dugaan dunia, 
kita anggap itu adalah satu beban dan Allah tak sayangkan kita. 
bebanan itu adalah ujian Allah ke atas hamba-Nya untuk menguji tahap keimanan, tahap kesabaran kita.
 Pastinya, ujian Allah setimpal dengan kekuatan hamba-Nya untuk menempuhinya.

"Aku bersyukur kerana Allah masih memudahkan jalan hidup ini dengan sedikit dugaan, tidak seperti hamba-hambanya yang lagi diuji dengan cobaan yang maha hebat. Alhamdulillah."

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